Own It Fitness LLC

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Road to 40: Post 7

Winter is…. I mean, the end of the year is coming. I had the realization that I’m just over 7 months away from being 40. I started writing about my journey this past June and we’re already halfway through November. Time is passing faster than I think I’ve ever experienced! Pressure at work has been more intense than usual these last three months. Growing pains of building a new business. It’s funny to think that in 2020 I was training people on Zoom out of my bedroom.  Now there’s a lot more to plan for and manage. It’s only a three person team but we’re almost triple the size of what it was when I started. The grind has had me deep in the trenches which probably explains why I can't believe how fast things are going. 

My kid is growing like a weed. She just turned Four. We took her to Disneyland earlier this month. She got to spend her birthday in Disneyland with her faves, Mickey and Minnie. It was a big deal because I feel like I’ve never had the opportunity or the means to plan such a big, expensive trip. It was also the first family trip, the three of us and the padres, where I was the lead. I crushed it! Everyone had a great time and I think I’ve ruined my child for Disneyland trips forever here after; which was really the plan.

My lady is enjoying her new job w/ the DOJ. The previous job was just a sh*t show which caused her a lot of stress. Now she really likes what she’s doing. I’m really happy about that because it’s rough when you don’t like your job - speaking from PAST experience. Still, we’re busy and we don’t get to spend very much time together doing the stuff we did before The Kid was around. We both need to be better at setting time aside to do fun stuff together. It’s hard though! There’s so much going on all the time.

Got some great marks from my Physical Therapist on the last visit. My hip mobility and motor control has been solid. I didn't have any issues with it on the trip which was a pleasant surprise.  She was really happy with the improvements and…  we figured out something about the positioning of my hip that actually might lead to me no longer having any issues with it! This is an everyday thing for me, discomfort, tingling or pain so finding something new to focus on that might fix everything is HUGE! I can feel that heavy barbell squat in my future! 

When I’m talking about this stuff, I feel like lots of people can relate to it. People's jobs get crazy - they excel, they struggle and they have to figure out how to keep moving forward. Our kids constantly challenge us to be better and we want to provide the best experiences possible for them. Trying to remember how important it is to have a relationship with your partner without the family and fight tooth and nail for that time together is hard with everything people have going on. On top of all that, try to manage your health and wellness as best as you can while dealing with the ongoing barrage of things that are thrown at us. Sometimes it’s like treading choppy water w/ a just big enough rock tied to one foot. It’s not necessarily going to pull you down but you definitely know it's there. 

You can’t let up on the things that are important to you! You can’t put aside the personal stuff because other things take priority. When we do this we devalue ourselves in the eyes of others and our own, we teach our kids the wrong lessons, and we get comfortable not holding ourselves accountable. It’s not okay! It’s not okay for us to adopt an attitude of “I don’t have the time.” Or “I’ll get to it next week.” Next week has passed for most of us a long time ago. And every time next week does pass us, that’s one less we have to get the important stuff done. I feel that more now than ever. But the silver lining here is that it’s never too late to stop bad habits and start new ones. Get after it!