Own It Fitness LLC

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A Day in the Life Post 3: When your goals begin becoming your reality

It’s a surreal feeling when you get a glimpse of the ‘Future You’. It’s a short video, a quick photo someone takes, or an observation someone makes. They always come at unexpected times. 

That happened to me today. I was training w/ my lifting partner & other trainer in the studio, and she looked at me and said, “OMG you look HUGE right now!” and snapped a picture. It’s a running joke that we both want to be massive but one of my actual goals is to be about 180lbs of just solid ass muscle. I’m not there yet but every now and then I see the end goal in the far part of the tunnel.

This stuff always happens in weird little increments and unexpected moments. A shirt doesn’t fit right anymore because you’ve dropped some weight around your belly and your shoulders and chest are bigger. Your pants are baggy in the waist but tight around the hips and thighs. You’re the fittest dad in your kids dance class…  Speaking for a friend…  But you get what I’m talking about. They’re fast, fleeting little moments that you are lucky to share w/ maybe one other person for a minute if you’re lucky. The rest is just the grind process to get there and it can be rough.

Let’s be honest, It’s a f*cking struggle, especially around the holidays. All the delicious food (try saying no to freshly made Tamales and Pozole on the daily), work tends to be a lot more stressful this time of year - whether its keeping clients motivated or finding new people to help, and making enough time to learn this dance I’ll be doing w/ my daughter at her recital after a full day of work is hard. I’m talking about just my experience but this is often the experience of the working professional or the working parent. No one cares whether you get to your goal or fall short. Yes, we do have support systems, and there are people out there that care about our well-being but your goals are your goals. They don’t belong to anyone else and no one is going to achieve them for you. So it can be tough. 

But now and then there’s that small slice of validation. The Vid where your stomach looks good in the new shirt, the “caught my good side” pic or the compliment from your honey about how good your butt looks in those jeans. You gotta celebrate those little victories to stay motivated.  You can put them down or brush them off. You have to OWN them! That’s what I’m doing now.  In about 7 months I’ll be 40 and I intend to be at my goals by that time. I hope this motivates you to set some goals and get to them in 2023. Get after it!